Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis
Greatest track and field runner of all time

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sprinters VS Distance Runners

Inside the track & field cultures there is a often times a distinct difference between the personalities of distance runners and sprinters. Quite naturally, their personalities match their running style. Sprinters run all out, all the time, quick sharp and powerful movements, mirroring their mentality, often times being ADD, sprinters are usually quick thinking, witty and hyper, talking and moving around at a fast pace. Distance runners are usually a little more laid back, often times acting upon thought out logic as opposed to acting on impulse and emotion. The difference can even be measured down to body structure, heart rate, and habits. For example my brother is a distance runner, even when he is not in shape, his resting heart rate is around 45-50 beats per minute. My resting heart rate even when I am in top shape, is around 75-85 beats per minute. This leads me to believe that sprinters are naturally more on edge, naturally veering towards fast twitch actions, and having quicker reaction times. This would explain the hyper attitude as well, as opposed to a more laid back and relaxed attitude. I have found this to be true not just within my family but within the track teams I have been involved in and also those of friends and competitors. During my 4 years of track and field and also cross country in high school I met many runners from other schools, and became friends with several of them. I found that most of them fit into the molds of sprinters and distance runners fairly accurately. One of the few exceptions to this that I have come across in my experience as a runner, is a one of my teammates from high school. She ran sprinting events, and loved them but didn't quite feel right running sprinting events. Even in college, she found that she didn't fit in the other sprinters on the team, and that they didn't really accept her into their group. She has now discovered a passion for distance running and competes in long distance races. After discussing with her why she didn't think that she got along with the sprinters and why she got along so well with the distance runners I asked "maybe its because you are truly a distance runner at heart?". My friend now wants to rejoin her track team as a distance runner, which she believes she will enjoy much more.

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