Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis
Greatest track and field runner of all time

Friday, May 2, 2008


This blog was a great opportunity to reflect on myself and a culture that I have become deeply imbedded within. The track and field culture is a vast group of people with a common goal à to succeed. An athlete is not easily defined, but I feel a sense of camaraderie when I meet another track athlete, even if our events and personalities are completely different. “We bleed the blood, in the same mud” as my coach told us during the season. We all know the hardships one another goes through in this sport and we all know the benefits and rewards that result from those hardships. Through this blog I have gained a better understanding of why these rewards are as satisfying as they are and also a better understanding of how my body and mind functions. This blog was a great experience that has allowed me to further understand a large part of my life, which I love. I have also gained a larger appreciation for the athletes and coaches which this lifestyle is involved with. The level of dedication and effort I have witnessed is nothing less than spectacular. I have come to realize what is important to me about running, and I even think that I have found ways to make myself faster and stronger. In this sport which requires more guts and determination, every athlete that I meet inspires me, and every one of them makes me want to give it my all.

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